Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hurungwe Discipleship, Feb. 2008

We have listened for a long time to a report from a discipleship visit to Hurungwe, but I can only pick out one or two things here. The team was Manners Sheshe, Catherine Maisiri, and Mrs Melania Mabvira. They set out early on the morning of Thursday 7 February, and returned on Sunday evening, 10 February 2008.

Mr Freeman Mupunga (see post for 9 December, ‘Freeman Mupunga in Hurungwe’) attended the weekend and reported that he is going ahead with ministry, not just in his home area, but also in other places of Hurungwe.

He has recently given a Seminar to an SDA church, at their request. During this Seminar, their leader received the baptism in the Spirit even before they had reached the teaching on this subject. This gave freedom to the others so that, when they arrived at the teaching on baptism in the Spirit, people were open for the Spirit to work in them and they were all baptised in the Spirit and began to pray in tongues. Some of them also attended this weekend of discipleship.

The way God works is sometimes surprising. While it is good to hear this news of SDA members being baptised in the Spirit, nevertheless, they are going to meet with opposition when their fellow church leaders hear about this. I think we can say, however, that God’s purpose in working with them in this way is to lead them and their church to a fundamental renewal and bring a blessing to many people.

We thank God for sending the Holy Spirit and we trust God that He knows what He is doing and that He will help us cope with the reaction of those who do not appreciate the way the Lord is working in his church these days.

The meetings went well over the weekend and people grew as they responded to teachings on various topics. However, on Saturday afternoon heaviness came upon the meeting with the arrival of some new people who did not really come for discipleship but rather to receive prayer help for their various problems. The team discerned the need for deliverance ministry and interrupted their programme to include this ministry, which went on for over three hours.

To give just one example of the fruit of the ministry, there was one woman there who had a problem with her back; she was walking with her back twisted and bent backwards. When they prayed for her, she manifested a spirit and they cast it out. After that, she said she felt free from a pressure that had been upon the area of her waist and she was walking normally, jumping up and down, and rejoicing.

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