Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Team of three for Chikwaka

Mr Liberty Zinhara gives this report of ministry in Chikwaka from the 9th–11th of November. Mr Zinhara was the leader and Mr Joe Jumpa, visiting from Hwange, and Ms Viola Motsi made up the team.

Mrs Kupara, an old lady, had come back from attending the Community Day in Harare and people were surprised to see her walking around, fully recovered from the problem she had had with her legs. This attracted many people who had needs of their own.

We prayed for one family that had two sons, one of them 45 and the other 34 years old who are not yet married due to psychological and/or evil spirit causes. We are yet to hear from the sons since they are both working in Harare.

We also ministered to another woman who has been coming to the prayer group for almost a year, but without fully repenting. When they gathered on Saturday evening, Mr Joe Jumpa and Mr Liberty Zinhara gave a strong teaching.

On Sunday morning, this woman came and confessed her involvement in brewing beer and preparing snuff for the mhondoro spirit of the area, which is the tribal spirit. This was causing her problems, especially with her children. We prayed deliverance prayer to free her from different evil spirits and prayer for inner healing and she went home praising God.

There was also another young woman who was experiencing abuse like the woman in Acts 16:16, whom her lord used to generate income from the activity of a divining spirit.

We also met one who was under the influence of a spiritual husband; she also had special spirit-connected things buried in the garden so that her family would generate more cash from selling vegetables. She was set free on Sunday morning after she exposed all these activities and went home praising God.

Among other testimonies, some testified to the loving reception they received when they visited the Community House.

We recommend that next time we visit this place we should have one team that will teach the Chikwaka team to give seminars while another team continues with door-to-door, point-of-need ministry.

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