Thursday, January 31, 2008

Visit to Trojan Nickel Mine

This report is from Mr Liberty Zinhara

A team of three, Mr Liberty Zinhara (leader), Mrs Gumini and Mrs Mandeya visited Trojan Nickel Mine, Bindura, on 25th-27th January 2008.

The BLCC group at Bindura had fallen apart and they had stopped having prayer meetings since various things had affected the whole group. This weekend was a genuine revival as we did point-of-need ministry, going from house to house. We visited over ten families and most of the people we met were between 20 and 40 years old. It was interesting that most of them asked us to minister to them as married couples. Normally men are fewer, but men love to be a part of this group and were even ahead of their wives.

During our ministry, most of the people in the houses we visited were slain in the Spirit when we prayed for them. Some were asking good questions in their keenness to understand. Inner healing was at the top of the ministry since some were in heart-rending situations. Although most were accepting the word of God, at one house the mother tried to resist, but when God visits us, as he did the Israelites in Egypt, He leaves no one out. The Lord took her by surprise and ministered to her and we encouraged her to be one with the rest of the group.

God healed some of the sick and surprised those who were shy by ministering to them in miraculous ways. For example, one woman was on her way urgently to see her son who was dying. The team was not free right then but they anointed her hands and told her to go and pray for him. He was not speaking or even moving but when she prayed for him, he moved in some way, which suggested the Lord was working with him. When the team arrived later, they also prayed for him and he sat up and spoke.

Another woman was shy to speak of certain things but when she did and they prayed for her for inner healing, the Lord brought healing to her heart.

Mr Longwe, at whose house we were staying, had received baptism in the Spirit long ago but had never spoken in tongues. As he was ministering to another man, together with the team, he began to speak in tongues for the first time.

Saturday evening we gathered for a revival meeting. Mrs Mandeya gave a teaching on ‘praise’, Mrs Gumini gave a teaching on ‘revival’, and Mr Zinhara gave a teaching on ‘baptism in the Spirit’. In the ministry that followed, the Holy Spirit was working with people afresh with baptism in the Spirit and new tongues.

On Sunday morning, we visited a few houses. People called us to visit a sick man; he could not walk or do anything but when we prayed for him, God healed him immediately.

We also met with people who were previously leaders of the group and encouraged them to give sufficient time to prayer. We emphasized that leadership was about seeing something from the Lord happening in their prayer meetings, not just boasting that they were leaders and holding soulish prayer meetings. We also encouraged them to see that their meetings offer solutions to the problems of members so that they continue coming to the meetings.


There is need for seminars and for regular visits to this place.